Dale Satre | Stanford Blockchain Club
Key Info
Endorsed Delegate’s address: 0xFC3cb09934F2D25BcB493f0c67BD4802B0037CEE
Commonwealth name: dale
Email: satre@stanford.edu
Endorsed Delegate’s voting power (includes voting power from DYDX/stkDYDX held and voting power received from delegation): 0
Endorsed Delegate’s proposing power (includes proposing power from DYDX/stkDYDX held and proposing power received from delegation): 0
Endorsed Delegates Code of Conduct
I have just onboarded and abide by the Code of Conduct.
Why do you want to be an Endorsed Delegate and why should DYDX/stkDYDX holders delegate to you?
I'm motivated to get involved out of being in the primal days of DAOs, and wanting to serve a crypto community with a great DeFi platform while experimenting with the next form of organizational community. I was inspired by dYdX's story of becoming the premier DEX and trailblazing DeFi.
I am a transfer student at Stanford University, and have been involved in blockchain since I transferred in 2020. I interned at Pantera in 2021 doing DD and portfolio development, and got involved with helping found Stanford Blockchain Club's accelerator program, which is now in its second cohort with much success.
I am particularly interested in researching decentralized finance and (1) how derivatives in the space will develop, and (2) how DeFi will reshape world politics through decentralizing financial soft power. I work with Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) in researching DeFi. Previous to Stanford, I spent 6 years in US Army intelligence.
How will you connect with and contribute to the dYdX community and governance?
I want to contribute to the dYdX community through actively analyzing, commenting, and representing community views on DIPs/CIPs. I want my ideas and the thought processes behind them to be posted and commented on before I take any action, to get the most points of view on them.
dYdX, and other projects, are facing questions with how to maintain users and community participation as the platform progressively decentralizes, and the incentive structures holding up the value of $dYdX changes. I see myself focusing on DAO treasury and balance sheet management via (1) cash and cash flow, (2) operating and financial goals, (3) capital discipline metrics, (4) balance sheet measures, and (5) risk awareness.
I confirm that the information above is accurate and up to date as of the start of the current epoch and I will immediately update this Profile and Pitch in the event of a material change.
Additional Information
I am an Advisor to both Okra Finance (blockchain based index funds) and the NFT Brewery (enterprise NFT management).
I confirm that the information above is accurate and up to date as of the start of the current epoch and I will immediately update this Profile and Pitch in the event of a material change. I have read and agree to abide by the Endorsed Delegates Code of Conduct.
I have completed and scored 9/10 on the Endorsed Delegate Self Assessment. Please find my Self Assessment linked here.
Last updated